Scene from the forthcoming AMG film GIFT FOR DEMETRIUS

starring John Krivos, Boris Demitroff, and Jerry Lewis.

In this scene the father is angered because

his son hos given the slave boy the val-

uable ring the father had given him.

for his birthday. Watch next

issue for further announcement.

On this page are scenes from the AMG film "AZTEC SACRIFICE", approximately 12 minutes, $16 16mm STT 8mm. 2 catalogs of stills 30 cents.

The film stars Evret Lee Jackson who picks up a book on Aztec culture at the library, takes it home showers and prepares for bed and lies down to read his book. He falls asleep and begins to experience a wierd nightmare. He is a prisoner of Aztecs. The annoit him with oils and strap him down to an altar, but instead of cutting his heart out, they bring in a huge snake and let it crawl all over his body. Just as they are about to force the snoke into his mouth he awakens to find that his room mates snake has gotten loose and is actually crawling i his bed. He and his room mate pet the snake and laugh at the incident.

SOME OF THE OTHER AMG MOVIES AVAILABLE: MOTORCYCLE THIEF 7 minutes 16mm $10, 8mm $7;, BATHROOM ATHLETE 8 minutes 16mm $12 8mm $8; GREY & THE BLACK 10 1/2 minutes 16mm $16 8mm $11; REVENGE TRITON, 10 minutes 16mm $16, 8mm $11; STREET FIGHT 8 minutes, 16mm $12, 8mm $8; AFTERNOON OF A SATYR 4 minutes, 16mm $7.50, 8mm $4.65; RELUCTANT MODEL 7 1/2 minutes 16mm $11 8mm $7.50; RICHARD HARRISON 5 minutes $8. 16mm, 8mm $5; BROTHER CINDER-ELMER minutes, 16mm $12, 8mm $8.; COWBOYS & INDIANS 7 minutes, 16mm $12, 8 mm $8.; I WAS A TEEN-AGE BUM TO minutes, 16mm $16, 8mm $11.; PHARAOH'S NEW SLAVE 7 1/2 minutes, 16mm $11, Brom $7.50; WITCH BOY 10 minutes, 16mm $16, 8mm $11.; WENGRYN AT THE BEACH 6 minutes, $10 for 16mm, $7 for 8mm.; COWBOY & THE SAILOR 8 minutes, 16mm $12, 8mm $8.; ALADDIN 11 minutes, 16mm $17, 8mm $11.50; BOYS IN PRISON approximately 10 minutes 16mm $15, 8mm $10. AMG.


Scene from BOYS IN PRISON T6mm $15 8mm $10. When a young weightlifter is thrown into prison with group of hoodlums, they taunt him and ridicule him when he attempts to exercise In the dormitory. The bully of

the group forces him to wash his feet in the shower. They bottle it out and the wtlifter wins and then all the other boys emulate the winner.

Available from AMG